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Caring For Your House Plants

Stephi Kesisoglu

Posted on February 16 2018

Caring For Your House Plants

#Caring #For #House #Plants #houseplants #indoor #caretaking

Bringing the outside in is a great way to add character and ambiance to your home. For all you green thumbs, here are some of our tips!

Where Should I Put My Plants?

Finding the right location for your house plants where they get the right amount of light and just enough humidity to survive and thrive is one of the key starts of a healthy plant baby. The most ideal locations would be the bathroom and kitchen where they will be exposed to steam and moisture. Keep in mind that some house plants do survive better in forest like environments and that you should move them away from any heating, air conditions vents or leaky doors and windows.

What Is The Best Lighting?

Many house plants thrive in low light and natural light areas! Try to stay away from harsh, direct sunlight since this can damage the fronds of most plants! Unlike us humans, house plants don't like to tan often. We do suggest to look deeper into your plants specific care with your local nursery due to diversity of needs.

Feeding - Hydration - Soil Care

For starters, don’t drown your plants by putting them in containers with no holes. Your plant needs drainage holes so water doesn’t sit around the roots causing them to rot. Too much water is not a good thing for your plants! Since most house plants thrive in areas with forest floor, fill your pot with organic matter and or porous soil.. Try adding peat moss and sand to your soil mix, this will help also when transferring your plants to new pots. Don’t forget, you do not want to overcrowd your pot with soil… your plant baby is claustrophobic!

Plant Babies Need Grooming Too!

Since your plant baby is living in your home, cleaning them is now added to your cleaning check list! When your house gets dusty, your plants get dusty which leads to the dirt blocking sunlight!  Wipe the leaves with a moist sponge, dried out cloth, or even a soft paintbrush/toothbrush. Luke warm water works best with most plants so don’t be afraid to run the leaves under a shower.

Appearance is everything, so take off the dead or yellow leaves that appear and cut those stems that have lost their leaves from the soil lines. These can hold back growth and cause problems for the plant. Also, scrub your pot before and after to keep the pot clean and healthy.

Patrol and Control

When you check on your plants, you must look out for key indicators that can cause problems such as by insects, diseases and rapid drying out. A common indicator that your plant baby is infected is if you see indoor pests such as whiteflies and mealybugs under the plant leaves. We recommend getting rid of them by spraying them with water or using insecticidal soap!

If you notice that your plants roots are poking out of drainage holes, its time for a bigger pot! You will need to refresh the potting soil since the old soil is depleted by now. Overtime there can be harmful salts that build up due to watering. Scrub your pot before and after!

My Plants Have Brown Tips On The Leaves!

Breathe! Your plant baby is going to be okay…this means your plant needs moisture and humidity. An easy fix can be grouping your plants together so they feed off each others moisture or by adding pebbles to a tray/saucer filled with little water. We suggest that the pot sits above the pebbles so the roots aren't exposed to being constantly wet.

For all the true 'Crazy Plant Ladies' out there, check out the new graphic mug !

#crazyplantlady #mug #plant

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